Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Weekend Update 4/26

So this past weekend was quite busy, but fun! SAI-EE chapter celebrated their 40th anniversary which gave me a chance to see some of my favorite people...mainly Lyndsay. She stayed with me on Friday night and we brought the class to a college party accompanied with a bottle of red to share. It was a fun night which brought Saturday morning way too early! :( Saturday's festivities were fun and I was able to spend some quality time knitting while listening to stories of SAI's past. My knitting project is top secret for now, but perhaps I will share it after I give it to its recipient. The afternoon took me to my school for their performathon. It was really exciting to see this event, since it is such a major event for the school. Unfortunately I did not get to see any my students perform, but I will this weekend! I also spent several meals out with friends and a broadway jam session with Lyndsay and Dan (which probably disturbed my neighbors greatly) brought this busy weekend to a close. I didn't get to see Matt, but boy did I keep busy.

I finished 3 knitting projects and have started another large scale one. I am now starting my second sweater! Its a cotton tank top perfect for summer.

On another note, I'm still trying to decide what I will be doing this weekend. My students are preforming in a recital I am holding on Saturday, which I am very excited about! Sunday is the day in question. There is a wine and jazz fest at Longwood Gardens, however I think the people we were going to go with may not be available. So the other option is the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. Should I indulge my obsession on Sunday. The amazing thing is that Matt is ok with either activity! He must really love me if he is willing to spend a day looking and sheep and yarn and knitting and things. Any suggestions of what I should do on Sunday would be greatly appreciated!!!


Brooke said...

Well of course Matt wants to go.... sheep or alcohol, he loves both... hehe!

Anonymous said...

You MUST go to Maryland! You can meet Kyle's sister since she'll be there with her Ravelry entourage! :)