Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Update and stuff

So my trip to Denver was a big success, aside from the fact that the altitude really got to me and I didn't get one decent nights sleep. I feel like I need another week of vacation. But I'm happy to be back and teaching my little ones, however I am not happy to be back at the other job... I really shouldn't write about this in the blog, so if you feel like hearing me lament email me privately.

On a good note, I'm explore lots of music and reading some good books! Knitting is falling to the wayside a little because of spring (it always becomes a seasonal hobby, but I'm going to try and keep it going) (Don't worry Brooke, I will finish your stockings by 12/24/2008).

I went to an AMAZING concert featuring Chris Thile and the Punch Brothers over the weekend. If you haven't heard of them, definately check them out, they are awesome. I got my CD signed by all 5 members of the band, thanks to some help from Marty.

So I usually try and shy away from politics in my blog, but because of the upcoming PA Primary I thought I would just touch on it. Also, my uncle, the political activist in NH, wrote an article that is being published in the Union Leader and the Huffington Post. Its about how John McCain told him that we may be in Iraq for 100 years!?....what!? You can read about it here and watch the youtube video of it (if you haven't already)

I'm getting some pictures developed the old fashioned way, so get excited there will be opera pics! along with some other things.

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