Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So I made this about a month or so ago...which means I'm teasing you again with another FO because my sweater is still a UFO.

I'm completely finished with it except for the pesky neckline with the picot edging. I decided not to do the sleeves in the picot edging but I definately want to keep that edging for the neckline. I fear that it may look too big, but know that I will wear it anyway! I blocked the heck out of the skirt and feel that I did too much....but I must realize: The beauty of a hand made object is the imperfections! Unfortunately my OCD and perfectionist tilt are getting the better of me right now. I kind of want to make another one of these in a smaller size...we'll see.

As for now I would like to knit something with the 3 skeins of mohair lace that has been sitting in my stash for years. Any suggestions? I have another skein that I'm thinking about making an Ice Queen with, but I am just not sure how much I will wear it.

On another note, my paper for the conference in Denver is coming along nicely! I've gotten some really good feedback from people I really respect. However, I feel that the conclusion needs serious triage. I want to finish by the weekend so I can show it to Matt and Lyndsay. So in my haste to finish my Dahlia, I have not been practicing as much as I should, but I plan to devote more time to practicing after the weekend.

I've been waiting for this weekend for a long time. Its Opera weekend (I'll be sure to post some pictures after the weekend). I get to take my man to his first opera, hang out with Lyndsay, and my sis and couple other friends. We're going to see La Traviata, however Matt has been telling people we are going to see La Travolta, the story of John Travolta. I think he will enjoy it, but I may take a running tally of how many times I have to nudge him to keep him from doozing off.

1 comment:

Friar said...

HOSTY AT THE OPERA! I want to see this. I mean this is a guy who falls asleep in the middle of conversations. Please do publish the final tally. "John" and I would be particularly interested. I figure the over-under is like 8